
Hablemos de minimalismo
Hoy vamos a sumergirnos en el fascinante mundo del minimalismo. Es un término que ha...

Nothing, Please 1.0
Imagine this: one day you’re in your office, thinking about how to change the world (well, at least the fashion world), and suddenly, you realize that everything you’re doing doesn’t make sense. Or, at least, how things are being done seems senseless to you.
Yes, it sounds dramatic, but that’s how it all began. I realized that I was investing my time and energy in creating things that, in reality, wouldn’t last more than a season. And then I thought: what is the point of your work if it doesn’t leave a mark? Did I really come into this world to make things that end up in a $2 pile?

Barbie, the movie
Barbie, the movie. Yeah, we felt in the trend. The Barbie trend. When I asked for a...